these fab ladies have encountered.... well, minus the sex lol.
I had the most amazing time in NY with my best friend Brandi!
Meeting new people, && catching up with old friends, this trip simply enhanced my assertions that "The City" is where I belong.
Minus the bums, unnecessary honking from crazed taxi drivers, && pissy-scented subways,
I ♡ it!
After attending my brother Darion's graduation ceremony from Pasadena High && his after-party {CONGRATS D!}, ![](
I headed to Brandi's house && was wide awake! Our flight was scheduled to depart at 6:30 a.m., && after partying with my brothers and all of their friends in addition to the excitment of being in NYC again, my eyes were far from closing.
Brandi's dad dropped us off at LAX.
We arrived at the Delta terminal around 3:45 a.m. && waited in line for about 45 minutes before Delta employees finally appeared to start check-in.
After being charged a ridiculous $15 for checking in a single bag, && waiting in line after line,
we shockingly made our flight by the skin of our teeth.
Brandi k.o'd before the plane could event take off {lol},
but I managed to stay awake for a while before dozing off.
We arrived at JFK && headed to LaMonica's house,
the sorority sis of Brandi's cousin Tisha.
She stayed in Manhattan near Central Park.
We dropped off our things, grabbed a quick bite to eat at a local pizza spot
in the horrid, poring rain,
then met with our high school friend, Q.
Hangin' with Q && his friends at their spot in the Bronx,
we all decided to head down to lower Manhattan to a little hole-in-the-wall poetry club
where I had the most amazing tasting house burger {though not quite as good as my mom's}.
As the jet-lag started to kick in, we headed back to the Bronx for some shut eye.
We woke up late afternoon && headed down Fordham Rd. to catch the subway
{aka the longest walk ever! lol}
We dropped off our things at LaMonica's && headed to Times Square.![](
Snapping photo after photo, Brandi && I ventured up && down the street, visiting Toys 'R Us
{with the BIGGEST Barbie dream house I've ever seen in my life},
Broadway, && plenty of other hot spots.
After chit-chatting with this guy named Ty, he hooked us up with some tickets to a comedy show at The Laugh Factory for that same night.![](
Realizing that we hadn't eaten all day, we ate at Dallas BBQ on 42nd. {y u m !}![](
Then, Q && his friend met us, && from there we headed to the movies to see "The Hangover," which was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time.
Once the movie was over, we all went our separate ways &&
Brandi and I headed over to The Laugh Factory for the comedy show.
We then hopped on the subway to LaMonica's to get all dolled up for Webster Hall, which was the only club we could get into since either of us have yet to reach 21.
The club itself was quite an experience:
being hit on by countless guys, followed by some random guy that consistently tried hugging us despite the fact that he was sweating profusely, && being approached by a white-looking Brazilian guy who was quite awkward.
At first I thought he was just making friendly conversation, but once it turned into 10 straight minutes of "Are you guys here alone?", "Can I buy you ladies a drink?", && "When are you guys leaving?" I knew he was a fishy character. lol.
The night ended on a bittersweet note:: a beyond drunk man slapped Brandi on her backside, yet we met some really down-to-earth New Yorkers, Chris && CJ.
The night finally ended as we got back to LaMonica's place just as the sun was rising.
Brandi && I woke up and headed to for brunch
with LaMonica, her b.f. Lee, Brandi's cousin Tisha and her friend Cha Cha.
We all had the infamous combination of chicken && waffles,
which was beyond fulfilling to my appetite.
In an effort to work off our full stomachs, Brandi, Tisha, Cha Cha && I
headed down to Century21 for some shopping.
I've been in plenty of department stores in my day, but Century21 was quite the spot.
Talk about discounts!
Any possible brand you can think of from Prada to American Eagle, it was there,
and at a jaw dropping, affordable price.
Then we headed to Canal Street, which was quite reminiscent of my unforgettable encounters with crazy people in "The Alley" in Downtown L.A.
Afterwards, we met up with Tisha && Cha Cha's friends Tamisha && Ian for dinner
at Flor de Mayo.
It was funny to be in a Chinese restaurant that served Dominican cuisine, but the food was undoubtedly delicious!
I had a colorful dish that had steak, bright red tomatoes, cilantro,
&& potatoes served on a bed of yellow rice.
¡La comida fue increíble!
None of us wanted the night to end there so we headed down to the Amsterdam Lounge to chill.
After dancing the night away, we finally headed back to LaMonica's to catch some zzz's.![](
It was sadly our last day in NYC, yet we still had a few more destinations on our list that we wanted to check out before we left.
Brandi, Tisha && I headed down to 5th Avenue to see what everyone ranted && raved about.
I spotted stores from Alice + Olivia, Zara, H&M, Jimmy Choo, Versace, && Juicy Couture, just to name a few lol
After finally getting down to our last few dollars, we scurried over to Junior's to grab some cheesecake just before heading to JFK {unfortunately} to catch out plane back to L.A.
Overall, I had a lot of fun on my trip to NY.
I'm especially glad that I got to share my experience in the city with my best friend.
Although there were plenty more sites && things to do that we hadn't accomplished on our trip,
we'll have plenty to do the next time we decide to head out to New York
{which will hopefully be this August! lol}
Who knows!
Maybe after I'm finished with undergrad,
you'll spot me heading for the city lights on my own ;)