I used to love to read.
I'm not sure exactly when it was that I fell out of love with it,
but I know it definitely had to do with me being in college.
Being a Creative Writing major,
both reading and writing are inevitable and inescapable....
and the fact that I want to write for a living as a fashion journalist someday allows me to predict that much of my future will be mostly spent with my head buried within a book or magazine.
Since I've been in school, reading has became such a drag.
There are sooooo many amazing stories out there,
yet due to having professors who are obsessed with the world's most uninteresting authors, lol
I've been in a reading rut...
stuck with the boring, the abstract, the overly theoretical, and the non-captivating.
My delay in posting lately has largely stemmed from the fact that I have craploads of reading to tackle.
Thank God the materials spark some part of my interest,
or else my money spent on Amazon to buy the books would be a total waste.
I don't think I'll actually be able to indulge in something of my choice until I graduate...
since most of my free time is spent dissecting class materials.
But until then,
I'll just have to deal.